SUSTAIN-X supports participants interested in and passionate about creating start ups with environmental and social impact.

(Formerly Sustainable-X) The program is hosted by Georgia Tech but serves the state of Georgia and is open to Students, Staff, Faculty, Alum and Community members. Sustain-X is a partnership between the Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business and CREATE-X, and is a Sustainability Next Institute Strategic Plan project.


Students on campus know the definition of sustainable development


Academic departments have at least one researcher/faculty doing full-time sustainability research


GT Researchers and Faculty directly engaged in sustainability research (750+ researchers and faculty)


Sustainability-related patents in the last few years (conservative estimate)

Upcoming events


Our hangouts are a time to learn a little more about creating a sustainability related startup and meeting with our leadership team. If you are interested in partnering with the program to put on a speaker session, please reach out to the program manager Kjersti (

That’s all for this year! join us in the Fall for our next hangout sessions!

SUSTAIN-X Competition

Thanks to all that attended, applied and presented! Read more about the event here. We will take a hiatus from the Competition but come back for more information on our next venture!


Who can participate in the SUSTAIN-X?

All are welcome! Undergraduate, Graduate, Staff, Faculty, Community Members can participate. We are creating connections with other colleges across the state of Georgia 

If you would like to participate in the SUSTAIN-X Competition your team must have a GT member in their team to participate in CREATE-X Launch.

How do I find people to form a team for a sustainability-related venture?

We will host hangout sessions throughout the semester and will have opportunities for participants to connect to other potential teammates. Check out our website and opt into our newsletter (LINK) to stay in the know!

For the Sustainable-X Showcase, how many team members are allowed per team?

You may have anywhere between 1 and 7 team members. However, we suggest 2-5. 

Will their be prizes for the SUSTAIN-X Competition?

Yes, top three teams for the SUSTAIN-X Competition will receive cash prizes of $2,500, $2,000, and $1,000 respectively. The top team will have a gold ticket to the CREATE-X Startup Launch Summer Program.

I am an instructor for a Georgia Tech course. Are my students able to submit projects even if they are not complete prototypes?

We encourage this! Our team is happy to work with you to figure out the best path forward.

Can I submit a class project into the competition?

Yes! You are welcome to submit projects from your coursework at Georgia Tech.

Will I have to give up rights to my ideas?

No, absolutely not. SUSTAIN-X is built on the premise that it is the student’s ideas and the student’s work. You do not have to assign your own ideas and work to Georgia Tech, Georgia Tech Research Corporation or any other third party as part of participation. If your idea came from a sponsored project or was otherwise paid for as an employee of Georgia Tech or any other company you will need to consider intellectual property rights for those relationships. You should contact the SUSTAIN-X advisers if you have any questions about this.

Can I submit my project to other competitions?

Yes, we strongly encourage you to get as much exposure for your work as you can.

What if I have questions that aren’t covered on this list?

Please send us questions via email to